Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


Animals that produce large amounts of offspring depend upon the sheer size of the litter for the perpetuation of their species. The young mature very quickly and are not educated, as the parents are usually involved with obtaining their own food and with reproduction. Should some of the offspring become endangered, the parent will not interfere,because it is not expected that all the young survive, which is the reason for a large litter. One animal that produce large litter his the hamster. Afemale hamster is able to bear young when she is six weeks to two months old. The gestation period is about 16 days. Although an average litter size is from five to ten, hamster commonly have a few as tree or as many as a dozen offspring at a time. Mothers will sometimes eat their own young, particulary when the number of offspring is large. Females male produce litters up to an age of about 15 months at monthly intervals. The blind, hairless youung begin to grow fur in two to three days. There eyes open after about two weeks. After ten days they begin eating solid food, though the mother will continue to nurse them for aboout two more weeks. In captivity, a typical hamster may live for two to three years.

1.      The gestation period for hamster is about
a.       Nine months
b.      One month
c.       16 days
d.      Six weeks
Answer      : C

2.      Female hamster will sometimes eat their young for what reason
a.       Hunger
b.      Because of a large number off offspring
c.       Deformed babies
d.      The young mature too quickly
Answer      : B

3.      Female hamster may reproduce as young as
a.       Six weeks old
b.      Six months old
c.       15 months old
d.      Two weeks old
Answer      : A

4.      “Perpetuation” in line 2 means
a.       Extinction
b.      Annihilation
c.       Variation
d.      Continuation
Answer      : D

5.      Hamster can produce offspring until what age
a.       Two years
b.      Six weeks
c.       15 month
d.      16 days
Answer      : A

6.      What is the tone of the passage
a.       Argumentative
b.      Informative
c.       Biased
d.      Farcical
Answer      : B

7.      What the best title for this passage
a.         “Endangered Animmal Litters”
b.         “Reasons for Large Litters”
c.         “Parents of Large Litters”
d.        “Educating Litters”
Answer     : B

8.      What is a litter
a.       The amount of parents an animal has
b.      The amount of garbage an animal has
c.       The amount of offspring an animal has
d.      The amount of siblings an animal has
Answer      : C

9.      Why would an animal parent not be able to care for it is litter
a.       It is busy reproducing and food gathering
b.      It is busy educating the litter
c.       It interferes with the litter
d.      It is busy playing
Answer      : A

10.  Which of the following is not a reason for a large litter
a.       The young are not expected to live
b.      The young are educated
c.       The parents are too busy to protect them
d.      The young mature quickly
Answer      : C

Structure and Written Expression

1.       Engineers..........for work on the new space program.
a.       Necesarry
b.      Are needed
c.       Hopefully
d.      Next month
Answer (b)
Because answer (b), are needed, is a verb, it is the best answer.

2.       ...........was backed up for miles on the freeway.
a.       Yesterday
b.      In the morning
c.       Traffic
d.      Cars
Answer (c)
Answer (c) is the best answer because it is a singular subject that agrees with the singular verb was.

3.       ........... is taking a trip to New York.
a.       They
b.      When
c.       The women
d.      Her
Answer (c)
Answer (c )  : the women is singular subjetc. You should therefore choose answer (c)

4.       The boy ........ going to the movies with friend
a.       He is
b.      He always was
c.       Is relaxing
d.      Will be
Answer (d)
Answer (d) is the  best answer : will be together with going is a complete verb.

5.       The packages ....... mailed at the post office will arrive Monday.
a.       have
b.      were
c.       them
d.      just
Answer (d)
Answer (d) is the best answer to the question.

6.       Homo sapiens ....... about 40.000 years ago
a.       Their first appearance
b.      First appeared
c.       First appearing
d.      They first appeared
Answer (b)
Answer (b)  you should therefore choose

7.       ........ was ringingcontinously for hours.
a.       Loudly
b.      In the morning
c.       The phone
d.      The bells
Answer  (c)
Answer (c)  is the best answer because it is a singular subject  that agrees with the singular verb was ringing

8.       The plane ....... landing at the airport in five minutes.
a.       It is
b.      It really is
c.       Is descending
d.      Will be
Answer (d)
Answer (d) is the best answer : will be togetherwith landing is complete verb

9.       Newspapers ....... every morning and every evening.
a.       Delivery
b.      Are delivered
c.       On time
d.      Regularly
Answer (b)
Answer (b) are delivered, is a verb it is the best answer

10.   To Mike ....... was a big surprise
a.       Really
b.      The party
c.       Funny
d.      When
Answers (b)
Because a subject is needed in this sentence, answer (b) the party, is the best answer.

11.   I forgot my coat, ....... I got very cold.
a.       Then
b.      So
c.       Later
d.      As a result
Answer (b) because so connect two clauses in this manner

12.   ....... arrived at the library, he started to work immediately
a.       The student
b.      When
c.       He
d.      After the student
Answer (d)
Answer (d) is the best answer because there is a subject, student for the verb, arrived, and there is a connector, after to join the two clauses

13.   The citizens worry about ....... is doing
a.       What the government
b.      The government
c.       It
d.      Is what the government
Answer  (a)
Because it has the connector what and the subject government

14.   The company was prepared for ....... happened with the economy
a.       It
b.      The problem
c.       What
d.      When
Answer  (c)
Answer (c) is the best answer because what is both a connector and a subject.

15.   The job ....... started yesterday was rather difficult
a.       When
b.      Was
c.       After
d.      That he
Answer (d)
The best answer to this question is answer (d). The correct sentence should should say ; the job that he started yesterday was rahter difficult. In this sentece job is the subject of the verb was, he is the subject of the verb started, and the connector that joins these two clauses.

Strategies for listening questions

1.   As you listening to each short conversation, focus on the second line of the conversation.
The answer to the question is generally found in the second line.

2.   Keep in mind that the correct answer is probably a restatement of a key word or idea in the second line of the conversation.
Think of possible restatement.

3.   Keep in mind that certain structures and expressions are tested regulary in listening.
Listen for these structures ans expressions :
·         Structures (passives, negatives, wishes, conditions)
·         Functional expressions (agreement, uncertainly, suggestion, surprise)
·         Idiomatic expressions (two-part verbs, three part verbs, idioms)

4.   Keep in mind that these questions generally progress from easy to difficult.
This means that questions 1 trough 5 will be easiest, and question 26 throught 30 will be the hardest.

5.   Read the answers and choose the best answer to each question.
Remember to answer each question even if you are not sure of the correct response. Never leave any answer blank.

6.   Even if you do not understand the complete conversation, you can find the correct answer.
·         If you only understood a few words or ideas in the second line, choose the answer that contains a restatement of those of ideas.
·         If you did not understand anything at all in the second line of the conversation, choose the answer that sounds the most different from what you heard.
·         Never choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the conversation.